
Will yez ever stop moaning.

Every Tom Dick and Mc Williams is giving out shite.
Howls of protest are heard everywhere. Its always the same moan: why do the people have to wear hairshirts to save the country while the powers that be get a fat bonus and the powers that were get a generous pension.
I suggest that the question is naive.
The reason we have to pay is simple. The status quo at the top must be preserved.
This nation is like a human pyramid. A few stand on the shoulders of the multitude. If the multitudes leave the formation the top will collapse.
As far as the likes of government ministers or senior bankers are concerned, you can give out till youve no voice left; The main thing is that you stay in formation and preserve the pyramid!
Brian Cowan knows, I know, and you know, that Joe Soap loves nothing better than a good loud moan but he rarely steps too far out of line.

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